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Upcoming PTA Events

12/9 - 12/13  Holiday Shop in the HUB (8:30am-1:40pm daily)  FLYER

12/16 - 12/20  Countdown to Winter Break Spirit Week FLYER 

1/19  Marco's Pizza Night with Class Competition (11:00am-11:00pm) FLYER

1/7   Registration for Winter After School Programs Closes

1/10   Donuts with a Grown-up (7:30-8:05am)

1/14 & 1/16   Auditions for the Talent Show  FLYER

1/15   Auditions for the School Play FLYER

1/28  Community Night at Chipotle (5:00-9:00pm)  FLYER

1/31   Spirit Day (Wear Your Favorite Sports Shirt/Jersey)

How to make an impact at VanGorden

We could not do all of this without your support. There are many ways you can make an impact at VanGorden with just a few hours of your time.  Click the link below to become a member of the PTA today.

PTA Membership

Another way we achieve our goals is through two fundraisers that we host each year: "Soar-a-thon" in the fall and "Carnival" in the winter. These events help us raise the money needed to support our yearly programs and projects that provide a meaningful impact for our school. Your support makes a huge difference!

Also, please connect with us on Parent Square through One-Login to receive our emails with important information on our events as well as links to volunteer or donate items.  You can also watch for flyers going home with students, follow us on Facebook and read the VanGorden View and PTA News emails.

What We Do


We couldn't do what we do without our parents and community support!


Message from the PTA!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  VanGorden is truly "Where Greatness Grows."  It is an amazing place filled with so many dedicated people who are committed to making VanGorden the exceptional place it is. 

We have had a successful and committed PTA for many years and with the support of our families, we have been fortunate enough to use fundraised monies to equip the school with needed resources and support including electronic and playground upgrades, field trips and a variety of fun events and incentives.

Don't hesitate to contact us at the email above with any questions.