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Car Dismissal Process Flow

Car Dismissal Process Flow

In the event your student does not have bussing, we will be assigning new carpool numbers to every family. Families with more than one student at VanGorden will have one number assigned for your family.

  • Students will be assigned a carpool number for parent dashboards. 
  • Your oldest, or only student will bring home four car dash numbers in his/her First Day Packet.
  • Parents will let their student(s) know each morning before school how they will be going home.
  • Please write your student(s) car number in their planner(s).  The students will not be receiving a backpack tag number.
  • Carpooling is recommended to keep the number of cars down.  Please check with your neighbors and friends to see if they would like to carpool.
  • Anyone that has the number on the dash board, may pick up the student.  For example: Friends, neighbors, etc.
  • Parents do not need the number for drop off at 8:05am, only for pick up in the afternoon.
  • We begin car dismissal at 3:07pm.  Please be in the car line by 3:05pm, but no earlier than 2:50pm.
  • Parents will get in car lane 1 or 2 in the front of the building.
  • If the lanes are full, parents will be directed to go to the parking lot.
  • Once the first set of cars in lane 1 and lane 2 are dismissed, all remaining cars will be filtered into lane one.
  • If there are any changes to your child’s dismissal plan, please call the office no later than 2:00pm.

There will be several staff members and our School Resource Officer (SRO) helping to ensure your student(s) is safe.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

VanGorden Elementary

Office: (513) 644-1150

Hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm

  • transportation